To eat or not to eat?

When it comes to eating alternative proteins, such as crickets in this case, many people’s first reaction is, “What, eat insects?” This is followed by another question: “Are crickets eaten raw?”. And then the imagination is unleashed, the subconscious images are unleashed.


Suddenly, the stomach becomes the great rebel, and there is only one image in the subconscious – how do you pick up an insect that lives in your own backyard and just stick it in your mouth?

However, the reality is quite different. On our farm, we breed a specie of domestic cricket, Acheta domesticus, which has been developed specifically for human consumption. Each offspring is raised in a very clean environment and fed a carefully selected organic feed, exclusively for crickets. Their processing and preparation for eating involves several cycles of heat treatment to eliminate any risk of bacteria, while preserving the highest nutritional value.

How to describe the taste of cricket? To the surprise of many, we can answer in advance that it will not be as unpalatable as you might expect. The most common way to describe the taste of crickets is to identify them with sunflower seeds, while others are reminded of combinations of nuts and halva. In any case, there are no intense flavour or aroma notes in crickets, which makes them particularly suitable for use in everyday diets, enriching common dishes.

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