
One of the most beautiful colours in cooking is yellow. Its warm tones whet the appetite and its well-chosen products leave even the most discerning indifferent. Pumpkin can reign supreme not only in autumn, in soups, and the spread can be made very quickly, usually on a regular basis. A calorie-free choice.

A starter before dinner? We have the tastiest and best solution for everyone looking for the perfect snack. With the addition of cricket flour to the dough, Grissini sticks go beyond the ordinary. They are crispy on the outside but soft on the inside. Delicious eaten on their own or with vegetable spread.

Much loved by holidaymakers and picnickers alike, tortillas with crickets are undoubtedly among the great culinary discoveries. The easy and quick to prepare tortillas are distinguished by their crispy, highly nutritious dried crickets, which combine harmoniously with the fresh vegetable filling.

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